Stuffy meaning in Hindi

Stuffy is a english word.

Stuffy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • stuffy = दम घोंटनेवाला

    • Usage: Open the window, its very stuffy here.

Stuffy Meaning in Detail

  • stuffy (adj) = lacking fresh air

    Synonyms: airless, close, stuffy, unaired

    • Usage: a dusty airless attic
    • Usage: the dreadfully close atmosphere
    • Usage: hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke
  • stuffy (adj) = excessively conventional and unimaginative and hence dull

    Synonyms: stodgy, stuffy

    • Usage: why is the middle class so stodgy, so utterly without a sense of humor?
    • Usage: a stodgy dinner party
  • stuffy (adj) = affected with a sensation of stoppage or obstruction

    Synonyms: stuffy

    • Usage: a stuffy feeling in my chest
  • Other words to learn

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