Envoy meaning in Hindi

Envoy is a english word.

Envoy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • envoy = उपराजदूत

    • Usage: A special envoy of the neighbouring country met the Prime Minister.
    • Usage: Since the ambassador was ill, Indian envoy represented the country in the meeting
  • envoy = दूत

    • Usage: The UN envoy met the warring groups.

Envoy Meaning in Detail

  • envoy (noun) = a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador

    Synonyms: envoy, envoy_extraordinary, minister_plenipotentiary

  • envoy (noun) = someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

    Synonyms: emissary, envoy

  • envoy (noun) = a brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry

    Synonyms: envoy, envoi

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