Suggest meaning in Hindi

Suggest is a english word.

Suggest Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • suggest = प्रस्ताव रखना

    • Usage: I suggest a tour to the museum.

Suggest Meaning in Detail

  • suggest (verb) = make a proposal, declare a plan for something

    Synonyms: propose, suggest, advise

    • Usage: the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax
  • suggest (verb) = drop a hint; intimate by a hint

    Synonyms: hint, suggest

  • suggest (verb) = imply as a possibility

    Synonyms: suggest, intimate

    • Usage: The evidence suggests a need for more clarification
  • suggest (verb) = suggest the necessity of an intervention; in medicine

    Synonyms: indicate, suggest

    • Usage: Tetracycline is indicated in such cases
  • suggest (verb) = call to mind

    Synonyms: suggest, evoke, paint_a_picture

    • Usage: this remark evoked sadness
  • Other words to learn

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