Surge meaning in Hindi

Surge is a english word.

Surge Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • surge = उमड़ना

    • Usage: Cricket fans surged into the stadium.

Surge Meaning in Detail

  • surge (noun) = a sudden forceful flow

    Synonyms: rush, spate, surge, upsurge

  • surge (noun) = a sudden or abrupt strong increase

    Synonyms: surge, upsurge

    • Usage: stimulated a surge of speculation
    • Usage: an upsurge of emotion
    • Usage: an upsurge in violent crime
  • surge (noun) = a large sea wave

    Synonyms: billow, surge

  • surge (verb) = rise and move, as in waves or billows

    Synonyms: billow, surge, heave

    • Usage: The army surged forward
  • surge (verb) = rise rapidly

    Synonyms: soar, soar_up, soar_upwards, surge, zoom

    • Usage: the dollar soared against the yen
  • surge (verb) = rise or move forward

    Synonyms: tide, surge

    • Usage: surging waves
  • surge (verb) = rise or heave upward under the influence of a natural force such as a wave

    Synonyms: scend, surge

    • Usage: the boats surged
  • surge (verb) = see one's performance improve

    Synonyms: surge

    • Usage: He levelled the score and then surged ahead
  • Other words to learn

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