Suspend meaning in Hindi

Suspend is a english word.

Suspend Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • suspend = निलम्बित करना

    • Usage: He was suspended from his job for misconduct towards his superior.
  • suspend = स्थगित करना

    • Usage: Police had suspended the case.

Suspend Meaning in Detail

  • suspend (verb) = hang freely

    Synonyms: suspend

    • Usage: The secret police suspended their victims from the ceiling and beat them
  • suspend (verb) = cause to be held in suspension in a fluid

    Synonyms: suspend

    • Usage: suspend the particles
  • suspend (verb) = bar temporarily; from school, office, etc.

    Synonyms: suspend, debar

  • suspend (verb) = stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it

    Synonyms: freeze, suspend

    • Usage: Suspend the aid to the war-torn country
  • suspend (verb) = make inoperative or stop

    Synonyms: suspend, set_aside

    • Usage: suspend payments on the loan
  • suspend (verb) = render temporarily ineffective

    Synonyms: suspend

    • Usage: the prison sentence was suspended
  • Other words to learn

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