Swab meaning in Hindi

Swab is a english word.

Swab Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • swab = फ़ाहा/फ़ुरेरी

    • Usage: Nurses use the swabs to clean the wounds.

Swab Meaning in Detail

  • swab (noun) = implement consisting of a small piece of cotton that is used to apply medication or cleanse a wound or obtain a specimen of a secretion

    Synonyms: swab

  • swab (noun) = cleaning implement consisting of absorbent material fastened to a handle; for cleaning floors

    Synonyms: swab, swob, mop

  • swab (verb) = wash with a swab or a mop

    Synonyms: swab, swob

    • Usage: swab the ship's decks
  • swab (verb) = apply (usually a liquid) to a surface

    Synonyms: dab, swab, swob

    • Usage: dab the wall with paint
  • Other words to learn

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