Tumble meaning in Hindi

Tumble is a english word.

Tumble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tumble = अचानक गिरना

    • Usage: The child tumbled over the stairs.
  • tumble = मूल्य गिरना

    • Usage: Share prices tumbled in the stock market.
  • tumble = बार बार लुढकना

    • Usage: The puppies are tumbling about in the grass.
  • tumble = गिरावट

    • Usage: People buy gold when there is a tumble in gold.
  • tumble = अस्त व्यस्त की स्थिति

    • Usage: All her things were in a tumble.

Tumble Meaning in Detail

  • tumble (noun) = an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end

    Synonyms: tumble

  • tumble (noun) = a sudden drop from an upright position

    Synonyms: spill, tumble, fall

    • Usage: he had a nasty spill on the ice
  • tumble (verb) = fall down, as if collapsing

    Synonyms: tumble, topple

    • Usage: The tower of the World Trade Center tumbled after the plane hit it
  • tumble (verb) = cause to topple or tumble by pushing

    Synonyms: topple, tumble, tip

  • tumble (verb) = roll over and over, back and forth

    Synonyms: tumble

  • tumble (verb) = fly around

    Synonyms: whirl, tumble, whirl_around

    • Usage: The clothes tumbled in the dryer
    • Usage: rising smoke whirled in the air
  • tumble (verb) = fall apart

    Synonyms: crumble, crumple, tumble, break_down, collapse

    • Usage: the building crumbled after the explosion
    • Usage: Negotiations broke down
  • tumble (verb) = throw together in a confused mass

    Synonyms: tumble

    • Usage: They tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern
  • tumble (verb) = understand, usually after some initial difficulty

    Synonyms: catch_on, get_wise, get_onto, tumble, latch_on, cotton_on, twig, get_it

    • Usage: She didn't know what her classmates were plotting but finally caught on
  • tumble (verb) = fall suddenly and sharply

    Synonyms: tumble

    • Usage: Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency
  • tumble (verb) = put clothes in a tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air, usually with the purpose of drying

    Synonyms: tumble

    • Usage: Wash in warm water and tumble dry
  • tumble (verb) = suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat

    Synonyms: tumble

  • tumble (verb) = do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully

    Synonyms: tumble

  • Other words to learn

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