Tailor meaning in Hindi

Tailor is a english word.

Tailor Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • tailor = दर्जी

    • Usage: The tailor stitches the uniforms well.
  • tailor = के अनुकूल बना लेना

    • Usage: Everthing was tailored to his needs.

Tailor Meaning in Detail

  • tailor (noun) = a person whose occupation is making and altering garments

    Synonyms: tailor, seamster, sartor

  • tailor (verb) = adjust to a specific need or market

    Synonyms: tailor, orient

    • Usage: a magazine oriented towards young people
    • Usage: tailor your needs to your surroundings
  • tailor (verb) = style and tailor in a certain fashion

    Synonyms: cut, tailor

    • Usage: cut a dress
  • tailor (verb) = create (clothes) with cloth

    Synonyms: sew, tailor, tailor-make

    • Usage: Can the seamstress sew me a suit by next week?
  • Other words to learn

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