Teaching meaning in Hindi

Teaching is a english word.

Teaching Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • teaching = शिक्षण

    • Usage: Teaching is a good profession.

Teaching Meaning in Detail

  • teaching (noun) = the profession of a teacher

    Synonyms: teaching, instruction, pedagogy

    • Usage: he prepared for teaching while still in college
    • Usage: pedagogy is recognized as an important profession
  • teaching (noun) = a doctrine that is taught

    Synonyms: teaching, precept, commandment

    • Usage: the teachings of religion
    • Usage: he believed all the Christian precepts
  • teaching (noun) = the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill

    Synonyms: education, instruction, teaching, pedagogy, didactics, educational_activity

    • Usage: he received no formal education
    • Usage: our instruction was carefully programmed
    • Usage: good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
  • teaching (verb) = impart skills or knowledge to

    Synonyms: teach, learn, instruct

    • Usage: I taught them French
    • Usage: He instructed me in building a boat
  • teaching (verb) = accustom gradually to some action or attitude

    Synonyms: teach

    • Usage: The child is taught to obey her parents
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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