Thunder meaning in Hindi

Thunder is a english word.

Thunder Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • thunder = गड़गड़ाहट{बिजली की}

    • Usage: The thunder was frightening.
  • thunder = गरजना

    • Usage: Ramesh thundered at Mohan.
  • thunder = गड़गड़ाहट करना

    • Usage: The bus thundered down the road.
    • Usage: The river thundered below.

Thunder Meaning in Detail

  • thunder (noun) = a deep prolonged loud noise

    Synonyms: boom, roar, roaring, thunder

  • thunder (noun) = a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning

    Synonyms: thunder

  • thunder (noun) = street names for heroin

    Synonyms: big_H, hell_dust, nose_drops, smack, thunder, skag, scag

  • thunder (verb) = move fast, noisily, and heavily

    Synonyms: thunder

    • Usage: The bus thundered down the road
  • thunder (verb) = utter words loudly and forcefully

    Synonyms: thunder, roar

    • Usage: `Get out of here,' he roared
  • thunder (verb) = be the case that thunder is being heard

    Synonyms: thunder, boom

    • Usage: Whenever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed
  • thunder (verb) = to make or produce a loud noise

    Synonyms: thunder

    • Usage: The river thundered below
    • Usage: The engine roared as the driver pushed the car to full throttle
  • Other words to learn

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