Toilet meaning in Hindi

Toilet is a english word.

Toilet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • toilet = शौचघर

    • Usage: Toilets should be kept clean.

Toilet Meaning in Detail

  • toilet (noun) = a room or building equipped with one or more toilets

    Synonyms: toilet, lavatory, lav, can, john, privy, bathroom

  • toilet (noun) = a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

    Synonyms: toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne

  • toilet (noun) = misfortune resulting in lost effort or money

    Synonyms: gutter, sewer, toilet

    • Usage: his career was in the gutter
    • Usage: all that work went down the sewer
    • Usage: pensions are in the toilet
  • toilet (noun) = the act of dressing and preparing yourself

    Synonyms: toilet, toilette

    • Usage: he made his morning toilet and went to breakfast
  • Other words to learn

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