Trail meaning in Hindi

Trail is a english word.

Trail Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • trail = पगडंडी

    • Usage: The vagabond made a trail through the forest.
  • trail = चिह्न

    • Usage: The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it.
  • trail = पीछे पीछे घिसटना

    • Usage: Her dress was trailing along the floor.
  • trail = धरती के ऊपर इधर-उधर फैलना

    • Usage: Jasmine creeper is trailing over the walls .
  • trail = हारना

    • Usage: The party is trailing badly in the polls.
  • trail = थक कर चलना

    • Usage: Tired Shyam trailed behind his brother.

Trail Meaning in Detail

  • trail (noun) = a track or mark left by something that has passed

    Synonyms: trail

    • Usage: there as a trail of blood
    • Usage: a tear left its trail on her cheek
  • trail (noun) = a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country

    Synonyms: trail

  • trail (noun) = evidence pointing to a possible solution

    Synonyms: lead, track, trail

    • Usage: the police are following a promising lead
    • Usage: the trail led straight to the perpetrator
  • trail (verb) = to lag or linger behind

    Synonyms: drag, trail, get_behind, hang_back, drop_behind, drop_back

    • Usage: But in so many other areas we still are dragging
  • trail (verb) = go after with the intent to catch

    Synonyms: chase, chase_after, trail, tail, tag, give_chase, dog, go_after, track

    • Usage: The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
    • Usage: the dog chased the rabbit
  • trail (verb) = move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly

    Synonyms: trail, shack

    • Usage: John trailed behind his class mates
    • Usage: The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart
  • trail (verb) = hang down so as to drag along the ground

    Synonyms: trail

    • Usage: The bride's veiled trailed along the ground
  • trail (verb) = drag loosely along a surface; allow to sweep the ground

    Synonyms: trail, train

    • Usage: The toddler was trailing his pants
    • Usage: She trained her long scarf behind her
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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