Trammel meaning in Hindi

Trammel is a english word.

Trammel Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • trammel = बन्धन होना[लगाना]

    • Usage: He is no longer trammelled by his duties as Head.
  • trammel = पाबन्दी

    • Usage: Trammels of superstitions hamper progress.

Trammel Meaning in Detail

  • trammel (noun) = a fishing net with three layers; the outer two are coarse mesh and the loose inner layer is fine mesh

    Synonyms: trammel_net, trammel

  • trammel (noun) = an adjustable pothook set in a fireplace

    Synonyms: trammel

  • trammel (noun) = a restraint that is used to teach a horse to amble

    Synonyms: trammel

  • trammel (noun) = a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)

    Synonyms: shackle, bond, hamper, trammel

  • trammel (verb) = catch in or as if in a trap

    Synonyms: trap, entrap, snare, ensnare, trammel

    • Usage: The men trap foxes
  • trammel (verb) = place limits on (extent or access)

    Synonyms: restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle

    • Usage: restrict the use of this parking lot
    • Usage: limit the time you can spend with your friends
  • Other words to learn

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