Treasure trove meaning in Hindi

Treasure trove is a english word.

Treasure trove Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • treasure trove = खजाना{जिसका मालिक पता न हो}

    • Usage: No one knew that the old monument had a treasure trove.
  • treasure trove = कलाकृति भण्डार

    • Usage: That curio shop is a treasure trove of novelties.

Treasure trove Meaning in Detail

  • treasure trove (noun) = treasure of unknown ownership found hidden (usually in the earth)

    Synonyms: treasure_trove, trove

  • treasure trove (noun) = any collection of valuables that is discovered

    Synonyms: treasure_trove

    • Usage: her book was a treasure trove of new ideas
    • Usage: mother's attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques
  • Other words to learn

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