Treed meaning in Hindi

Treed is a english word.

Treed Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • treed = वृक्षों से पूरित

    • Usage: A treed area is a feast to the eyes.

Treed Meaning in Detail

  • treed (verb) = force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape

    Synonyms: corner, tree

  • treed (verb) = plant with trees

    Synonyms: tree

    • Usage: this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer
  • treed (verb) = chase an animal up a tree

    Synonyms: tree

    • Usage: the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it
    • Usage: her dog likes to tree squirrels
  • treed (verb) = stretch (a shoe) on a shoetree

    Synonyms: tree, shoetree

  • treed (adj) = forced to turn and face attackers

    Synonyms: at_bay, cornered, trapped, treed

    • Usage: a stag at bay
    • Usage: she had me cornered between the porch and her car
    • Usage: like a trapped animal
  • Other words to learn

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