Unvoiced meaning in Hindi

Unvoiced is a english word.

Unvoiced Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • unvoiced = मौन

    • Usage: His ideas remained unvoiced.

Unvoiced Meaning in Detail

  • unvoiced (adj) = produced without vibration of the vocal cords

    Synonyms: unvoiced, voiceless, surd, hard

    • Usage: unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'
  • unvoiced (adj) = not made explicit

    Synonyms: unexpressed, unsaid, unstated, unuttered, unverbalized, unverbalised, unvoiced, unspoken

    • Usage: the unexpressed terms of the agreement
    • Usage: things left unsaid
    • Usage: some kind of unspoken agreement
    • Usage: his action is clear but his reason remains unstated
  • Other words to learn

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