Warm meaning in Hindi

Warm is a english word.

Warm Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • warm = गर्म{सुखद}

  • warm = गर्म

    • Usage: Ram and Ravi struck a warm friendship
  • warm = गर्म करना

    • Usage: Warm up the soup

Warm Meaning in Detail

  • warm (verb) = get warm or warmer

    Synonyms: warm, warm_up

    • Usage: The soup warmed slowly on the stove
  • warm (verb) = make warm or warmer

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: The blanket will warm you
  • warm (adj) = having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: a warm body
    • Usage: a warm room
    • Usage: a warm climate
    • Usage: a warm coat
  • warm (adj) = psychologically warm; friendly and responsive

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: a warm greeting
    • Usage: a warm personality
    • Usage: warm support
  • warm (adj) = (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: warm reds and yellows and orange
  • warm (adj) = having or displaying warmth or affection

    Synonyms: affectionate, fond, lovesome, tender, warm

    • Usage: affectionate children
    • Usage: a fond embrace
    • Usage: fond of his nephew
    • Usage: a tender glance
    • Usage: a warm embrace
  • warm (adj) = freshly made or left

    Synonyms: strong, warm

    • Usage: a warm trail
    • Usage: the scent is warm
  • warm (adj) = easily aroused or excited

    Synonyms: quick, warm

    • Usage: a quick temper
    • Usage: a warm temper
  • warm (adj) = characterized by strong enthusiasm

    Synonyms: ardent, warm

    • Usage: ardent revolutionaries
    • Usage: warm support
  • warm (adj) = characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: a warm debate
  • warm (adj) = uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: made things warm for the bookies
  • warm (adj) = of a seeker; near to the object sought

    Synonyms: warm

    • Usage: you're getting warm
    • Usage: hot on the trail
  • warm (adv) = in a warm manner

    Synonyms: warmly, warm

    • Usage: warmly dressed
    • Usage: warm-clad skiers
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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