Whiplash meaning in Hindi

Whiplash is a english word.

Whiplash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • whiplash = मेरुदण्ड की चोट{सिर के झटका लगने के कारण लगी}

    • Usage: My sister suffered a whiplash injury.

Whiplash Meaning in Detail

  • whiplash (noun) = an injury to the neck (the cervical vertebrae) resulting from rapid acceleration or deceleration (as in an automobile accident)

    Synonyms: whiplash, whiplash_injury

  • whiplash (noun) = a quick blow delivered with a whip or whiplike object

    Synonyms: whip, lash, whiplash

    • Usage: the whip raised a red welt
  • Other words to learn

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