Whisker meaning in Hindi

Whisker is a english word.

Whisker Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • whisker = गलमुच्छा

    • Usage: He drew a picture of a cat with whiskers.

Whisker Meaning in Detail

  • whisker (noun) = a very small distance or space

    Synonyms: hair's-breadth, hairsbreadth, hair, whisker

    • Usage: they escaped by a hair's-breadth
    • Usage: they lost the election by a whisker
  • whisker (noun) = a long stiff hair growing from the snout or brow of most mammals as e.g. a cat

    Synonyms: whisker, vibrissa, sensory_hair

  • whisker (verb) = furnish with whiskers

    Synonyms: bewhisker, whisker

    • Usage: a whiskered jersey
  • Other words to learn

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