Zap meaning in Hindi

Zap is a english word.

Zap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • zap = बेहोश करना

    • Usage: He was zapped before his heart operation.
  • zap = नष्ट करना

    • Usage: The Srinagar Doordarshan Kendra got zapped due to heavy shelling.
  • zap = तेज़ी से जाना

    • Usage: Nowadays boys zap around the city on their bikes.

Zap Meaning in Detail

  • zap (noun) = a sudden event that imparts energy or excitement, usually with a dramatic impact

    Synonyms: zap

    • Usage: they gave it another zap of radiation
  • zap (verb) = strike suddenly and with force

    Synonyms: zap

    • Usage: This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes
  • zap (verb) = kill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current or as if by shooting

    Synonyms: zap, vaporize

    • Usage: in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens
  • zap (verb) = strike at with firepower or bombs

    Synonyms: nuke, atomize, atomise, zap

    • Usage: zap the enemy
  • zap (verb) = cook or heat in a microwave oven

    Synonyms: microwave, micro-cook, zap, nuke

    • Usage: You can microwave the leftovers
  • Other words to learn

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