Zigzag meaning in Hindi

Zigzag is a english word.

Zigzag Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • zigzag = टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी लकीर/मोड

    • Usage: The road to Ooty forms a zigzag from Madurai.
  • zigzag = टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा

    • Usage: It's a zigzag road from Madurai to Ooty.
  • zigzag = टेढ़ा-मेढ़ा चलना

    • Usage: The road ffrom Madurai zigzags to Ooty.

Zigzag Meaning in Detail

  • zigzag (noun) = an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions

    Synonyms: zigzag, zig, zag

  • zigzag (verb) = travel along a zigzag path

    Synonyms: zigzag, crank

    • Usage: The river zigzags through the countryside
  • zigzag (adj) = having short sharp turns or angles

    Synonyms: zigzag, zig-zag

  • zigzag (adv) = in a zigzag course or on a zigzag path

    Synonyms: zigzag

    • Usage: birds flew zigzag across the blue sky
  • Other words to learn

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