Adhesion meaning in Hindi

Adhesion is a english word.

Adhesion Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • adhesion = लगाव

    • Usage: In the rainy season, car tyres lose their adhesion.
  • adhesion = अवलम्ब

    • Usage: We must give adhesion to Fundamental principles.

Adhesion Meaning in Detail

  • adhesion (noun) = abnormal union of bodily tissues; most common in the abdomen

    Synonyms: adhesion

  • adhesion (noun) = a fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures

    Synonyms: adhesion

  • adhesion (noun) = the property of sticking together (as of glue and wood) or the joining of surfaces of different composition

    Synonyms: adhesiveness, adhesion, adherence, bond

    • Usage: the mutual adhesiveness of cells
    • Usage: a heated hydraulic press was required for adhesion
  • adhesion (noun) = faithful support for a cause or political party or religion

    Synonyms: attachment, adherence, adhesion

    • Usage: attachment to a formal agenda
    • Usage: adherence to a fat-free diet
    • Usage: the adhesion of Seville was decisive
  • Other words to learn

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