Anguished meaning in Hindi

Anguished is a english word.

Anguished Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • anguished = मनोवेदना से भरा

    • Usage: When he realized that he was unwanted,at once he wrote an anguished letter.

Anguished Meaning in Detail

  • anguished (verb) = suffer great pains or distress

    Synonyms: anguish

  • anguished (verb) = cause emotional anguish or make miserable

    Synonyms: pain, anguish, hurt

    • Usage: It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school
  • anguished (adj) = experiencing intense pain especially mental pain

    Synonyms: anguished, tormented, tortured

    • Usage: an anguished conscience
    • Usage: a small tormented schoolboy
    • Usage: a tortured witness to another's humiliation
  • Other words to learn

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