Append meaning in Hindi

Append is a english word.

Append Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • append = परिशिष्ट के रूप में लगाना

    • Usage: Some extra information has been appended to the booklet .
    • Usage: Always append your signature at the end of a statement .

Append Meaning in Detail

  • append (verb) = add to the very end

    Synonyms: append, add_on, supplement, affix

    • Usage: He appended a glossary to his novel where he used an invented language
  • append (verb) = fix to; attach

    Synonyms: append, tag_on, tack_on, tack, hang_on

    • Usage: append a charm to the necklace
  • append (verb) = state or say further

    Synonyms: add, append, supply

    • Usage: `It doesn't matter,' he supplied
  • Other words to learn

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