Bridle meaning in Hindi

Bridle is a english word.

Bridle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bridle = लगाम

    • Usage: His common sense is a bridle to his quick temper
  • bridle = लगाम देना

    • Usage: Bridle horses

Bridle Meaning in Detail

  • bridle (noun) = headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control

    Synonyms: bridle

  • bridle (noun) = the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess

    Synonyms: bridle, check, curb

    • Usage: his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper
  • bridle (verb) = anger or take offense

    Synonyms: bridle

    • Usage: She bridled at his suggestion to elope
  • bridle (verb) = put a bridle on

    Synonyms: bridle

    • Usage: bridle horses
  • bridle (verb) = respond to the reins, as of horses

    Synonyms: bridle

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