Architecture meaning in Hindi

Architecture is a english word.

Architecture Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • architecture = वास्तुकला

    • Usage: Skyscrapers are the best examples of modern architecture .

Architecture Meaning in Detail

  • architecture (noun) = an architectural product or work

    Synonyms: architecture

  • architecture (noun) = the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings

    Synonyms: architecture

    • Usage: architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use
  • architecture (noun) = the profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their esthetic effect

    Synonyms: architecture

  • architecture (noun) = (computer science) the structure and organization of a computer's hardware or system software

    Synonyms: computer_architecture, architecture

    • Usage: the architecture of a computer's system software
  • Other words to learn

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