Backlash meaning in Hindi

Backlash is a english word.

Backlash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • backlash = प्रतिक्षेप

    • Usage: The fall of leftist led to the victory of Congress in Kerala.
    • Usage:

Backlash Meaning in Detail

  • backlash (noun) = a movement back from an impact

    Synonyms: recoil, repercussion, rebound, backlash

  • backlash (noun) = an adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence

    Synonyms: backlash

    • Usage: there was a backlash of intolerance
  • backlash (verb) = come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect

    Synonyms: backfire, backlash, recoil

    • Usage: Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble
  • Other words to learn

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