Breakdown meaning in Hindi

Breakdown is a english word.

Breakdown Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • breakdown = खराबी

    • Usage: Breakdown of the machinery costed a day's work.
  • breakdown = रुकावट

    • Usage: The issue lead to a breakdown in the dialogue.

Breakdown Meaning in Detail

  • breakdown (noun) = the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue

    Synonyms: dislocation, breakdown

    • Usage: the social dislocations resulting from government policies
    • Usage: his warning came after the breakdown of talks in London
  • breakdown (noun) = a mental or physical breakdown

    Synonyms: breakdown, crack-up

  • breakdown (noun) = a cessation of normal operation

    Synonyms: breakdown, equipment_failure

    • Usage: there was a power breakdown
  • breakdown (noun) = an analysis into mutually exclusive categories

    Synonyms: breakdown, partitioning

  • Other words to learn

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