Illogical meaning in Hindi

Illogical is a english word.

Illogical Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • illogical = न्यायविरुद्ध

    • Usage: It seems illogical to change the time-table so often.

Illogical Meaning in Detail

  • illogical (adj) = lacking in correct logical relation

    Synonyms: illogical, unlogical

  • illogical (adj) = lacking orderly continuity

    Synonyms: confused, disconnected, disjointed, disordered, garbled, illogical, scattered, unconnected

    • Usage: a confused set of instructions
    • Usage: a confused dream about the end of the world
    • Usage: disconnected fragments of a story
    • Usage: scattered thoughts
  • Other words to learn

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