Bubble meaning in Hindi

Bubble is a english word.

Bubble Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • bubble = असार

  • bubble = बुलबुला

    • Usage: Life is a bubble that can burst any day.
  • bubble = खदबदाना/बुलबुले उठना

    • Usage: The lava bubbled in the crater.

Bubble Meaning in Detail

  • bubble (noun) = a hollow globule of gas (e.g., air or carbon dioxide)

    Synonyms: bubble

  • bubble (noun) = a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control

    Synonyms: house_of_cards, bubble

    • Usage: his proposal was nothing but a house of cards
    • Usage: a real estate bubble
  • bubble (noun) = an impracticable and illusory idea

    Synonyms: bubble

    • Usage: he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble
  • bubble (noun) = a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic

    Synonyms: bubble

  • bubble (verb) = form, produce, or emit bubbles

    Synonyms: bubble

    • Usage: The soup was bubbling
  • bubble (verb) = flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise

    Synonyms: ripple, babble, guggle, burble, bubble, gurgle

    • Usage: babbling brooks
  • bubble (verb) = rise in bubbles or as if in bubbles

    Synonyms: bubble

    • Usage: bubble to the surface
  • bubble (verb) = cause to form bubbles

    Synonyms: bubble

    • Usage: bubble gas through a liquid
  • bubble (verb) = expel gas from the stomach

    Synonyms: burp, bubble, belch, eruct

    • Usage: In China it is polite to burp at the table
  • Other words to learn

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