Captivity meaning in Hindi

Captivity is a english word.

Captivity Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • captivity = क़ैद

    • Usage: He was held in captivity until he died.

Captivity Meaning in Detail

  • captivity (noun) = the state of being imprisoned

    Synonyms: captivity, imprisonment, incarceration, immurement

    • Usage: he was held in captivity until he died
    • Usage: the imprisonment of captured soldiers
    • Usage: his ignominious incarceration in the local jail
    • Usage: he practiced the immurement of his enemies in the castle dungeon
  • captivity (noun) = the state of being a slave

    Synonyms: enslavement, captivity

    • Usage: So every bondman in his own hand bears the power to cancel his captivity"--Shakespeare
  • Other words to learn

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