Chord meaning in Hindi

Chord is a english word.

Chord Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • chord = डोरी

    • Usage: She tied a frienship chord round his wrist.
  • chord = स्वर संयोग

    • Usage: She played a chord on the piano.
  • chord = नाभिगत

    • Usage: The umblical chord was cut after the birth of the child.

Chord Meaning in Detail

  • chord (noun) = a straight line connecting two points on a curve

    Synonyms: chord

  • chord (noun) = a combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together

    Synonyms: chord

  • chord (verb) = play chords on (a string instrument)

    Synonyms: chord

  • chord (verb) = bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing

    Synonyms: harmonize, harmonise, chord

  • Other words to learn

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