Coaster meaning in Hindi

Coaster is a english word.

Coaster Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • coaster = गर्म बर्तन आदि रखने की गोल टिकली

    • Usage: Keep hot bowls on a coaster.
  • coaster = माल ढ़ोने वाला जहाज

    • Usage: The coaster was loaded with barrens of oil.

Coaster Meaning in Detail

  • coaster (noun) = a resident of a coastal area

    Synonyms: coaster

  • coaster (noun) = someone who coasts

    Synonyms: coaster

  • coaster (noun) = a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table (i.e., from the condensation on a cold glass or bottle)

    Synonyms: coaster

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