Concealment meaning in Hindi

Concealment is a english word.

Concealment Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • concealment = छिपाव

    • Usage: Fear of being caught he forced himself to go for concealment.

Concealment Meaning in Detail

  • concealment (noun) = the condition of being concealed or hidden

    Synonyms: privacy, privateness, secrecy, concealment

  • concealment (noun) = a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something

    Synonyms: screen, cover, covert, concealment

    • Usage: a screen of trees afforded privacy
    • Usage: under cover of darkness
    • Usage: the brush provided a covert for game
    • Usage: the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
  • concealment (noun) = the activity of keeping something secret

    Synonyms: concealment, concealing, hiding

  • Other words to learn

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