Confinement meaning in Hindi

Confinement is a english word.

Confinement Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • confinement = सीमाबद्ध

    • Usage: He was held in solitary confinement.
  • confinement = प्रसव का समय

    • Usage: She cried when her confinement approached.

Confinement Meaning in Detail

  • confinement (noun) = concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child

    Synonyms: parturiency, labor, labour, confinement, lying-in, travail, childbed

    • Usage: she was in labor for six hours
  • confinement (noun) = the act of restraining of a person's liberty by confining them

    Synonyms: confinement

  • confinement (noun) = the state of being confined

    Synonyms: confinement

    • Usage: he was held in confinement
  • confinement (noun) = the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary)

    Synonyms: restriction, confinement

    • Usage: the restriction of the infection to a focal area
  • Other words to learn

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