Convey meaning in Hindi

Convey is a english word.

Convey Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • convey = ले जाना

    • Usage: This train conveys both passengers and goods.
  • convey = पहुँचाना

    • Usage: Please convey my good wishes to her.
    • Usage: The important message conveyed by radio and T.V.
    • Usage: Convey the news to everyone

Convey Meaning in Detail

  • convey (verb) = make known; pass on, of information

    Synonyms: convey

    • Usage: She conveyed the message to me
  • convey (verb) = serve as a means for expressing something

    Synonyms: carry, convey, express

    • Usage: The painting of Mary carries motherly love
    • Usage: His voice carried a lot of anger
  • convey (verb) = transfer to another

    Synonyms: convey, transmit, communicate

    • Usage: communicate a disease
  • convey (verb) = transmit a title or property

    Synonyms: convey

  • convey (verb) = transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    Synonyms: impart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channel

    • Usage: Sound carries well over water
    • Usage: The airwaves carry the sound
    • Usage: Many metals conduct heat
  • convey (verb) = take something or somebody with oneself somewhere

    Synonyms: bring, convey, take

    • Usage: Bring me the box from the other room
    • Usage: Take these letters to the boss
    • Usage: This brings me to the main point
  • convey (verb) = go or come after and bring or take back

    Synonyms: bring, get, convey, fetch

    • Usage: Get me those books over there, please
    • Usage: Could you bring the wine?
    • Usage: The dog fetched the hat
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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