Coping meaning in Hindi

Coping is a english word.

Coping Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • coping = मुण्डेर/परछती

    • Usage: They have constructed a strong coping wall on all the sides.

Coping Meaning in Detail

  • coping (noun) = brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall

    Synonyms: header, coping, cope

  • coping (verb) = come to terms with

    Synonyms: cope, get_by, make_out, make_do, contend, grapple, deal, manage

    • Usage: We got by on just a gallon of gas
    • Usage: They made do on half a loaf of bread every day
  • coping (verb) = take by theft

    Synonyms: hook, snitch, thieve, cop, knock_off, glom

    • Usage: Someone snitched my wallet!
  • coping (verb) = take into custody

    Synonyms: collar, nail, apprehend, arrest, pick_up, nab, cop

    • Usage: the police nabbed the suspected criminals
  • Other words to learn

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