Defeat meaning in Hindi

Defeat is a english word.

Defeat Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • defeat = हराना

    • Usage: They brought a defeat to his country by playing badly in the match.
  • defeat = विफल कर देना

    • Usage: He tried to convince him, but he defeated him.
  • defeat = हार

    • Usage: Defeat should not be the way of life.

Defeat Meaning in Detail

  • defeat (noun) = an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest

    Synonyms: defeat, licking

    • Usage: it was a narrow defeat
    • Usage: the army's only defeat
    • Usage: they suffered a convincing licking
  • defeat (noun) = the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals

    Synonyms: frustration, defeat

  • defeat (verb) = win a victory over

    Synonyms: get_the_better_of, overcome, defeat

    • Usage: You must overcome all difficulties
    • Usage: defeat your enemies
    • Usage: He overcame his shyness
    • Usage: He overcame his infirmity
    • Usage: Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
  • defeat (verb) = thwart the passage of

    Synonyms: kill, shoot_down, defeat, vote_down, vote_out

    • Usage: kill a motion
    • Usage: he shot down the student's proposal
  • Other words to learn

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