Derelict meaning in Hindi

Derelict is a english word.

Derelict Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • derelict = परित्यक्त

    • Usage: Near the river bank there was a derelict house.

Derelict Meaning in Detail

  • derelict (noun) = a person without a home, job, or property

    Synonyms: derelict

  • derelict (noun) = a ship abandoned on the high seas

    Synonyms: abandoned_ship, derelict

  • derelict (adj) = worn and broken down by hard use

    Synonyms: creaky, decrepit, derelict, flea-bitten, run-down, woebegone

    • Usage: a creaky shack
    • Usage: a decrepit bus...its seats held together with friction tape
    • Usage: a flea-bitten sofa
    • Usage: a run-down neighborhood
    • Usage: a woebegone old shack
  • derelict (adj) = forsaken by owner or inhabitants

    Synonyms: abandoned, derelict, deserted

    • Usage: weed-grown yard of an abandoned farmhouse
  • derelict (adj) = failing in what duty requires

    Synonyms: derelict, delinquent, neglectful, remiss

    • Usage: derelict (or delinquent) in his duty
    • Usage: neglectful of his duties
    • Usage: remiss of you not to pay your bills
  • derelict (adj) = in deplorable condition

    Synonyms: bedraggled, broken-down, derelict, dilapidated, ramshackle, tatterdemalion, tumble-down

    • Usage: a street of bedraggled tenements
    • Usage: a broken-down fence
    • Usage: a ramshackle old pier
    • Usage: a tumble-down shack
  • Other words to learn

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