Detection meaning in Hindi

Detection is a english word.

Detection Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • detection = खोज

    • Usage: Early detection can often lead to a cure

Detection Meaning in Detail

  • detection (noun) = the perception that something has occurred or some state exists

    Synonyms: detection, sensing

    • Usage: early detection can often lead to a cure
  • detection (noun) = the act of detecting something; catching sight of something

    Synonyms: detection, catching, espial, spying, spotting

  • detection (noun) = the detection that a signal is being received

    Synonyms: signal_detection, detection

  • detection (noun) = a police investigation to determine the perpetrator

    Synonyms: detection, detecting, detective_work, sleuthing

    • Usage: detection is hard on the feet
  • Other words to learn

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