Difference meaning in Hindi

Difference is a english word.

Difference Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • difference = भिन्नता

    • Usage: There is a lot of difference between jazz and rock.

Difference Meaning in Detail

  • difference (noun) = the quality of being unlike or dissimilar

    Synonyms: difference

    • Usage: there are many differences between jazz and rock
  • difference (noun) = a variation that deviates from the standard or norm

    Synonyms: deviation, divergence, departure, difference

    • Usage: the deviation from the mean
  • difference (noun) = a disagreement or argument about something important

    Synonyms: dispute, difference, difference_of_opinion, conflict

    • Usage: he had a dispute with his wife
    • Usage: there were irreconcilable differences
    • Usage: the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats
  • difference (noun) = a significant change

    Synonyms: difference

    • Usage: the difference in her is amazing
    • Usage: his support made a real difference
  • difference (noun) = the number that remains after subtraction; the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend

    Synonyms: remainder, difference

  • Other words to learn

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