Eccentric meaning in Hindi

Eccentric is a english word.

Eccentric Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • eccentric = सनकी

    • Usage: His ecccentric behaviour puts him down.

Eccentric Meaning in Detail

  • eccentric (noun) = a person with an unusual or odd personality

    Synonyms: eccentric, eccentric_person, flake, oddball, geek

  • eccentric (noun) = a person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)

    Synonyms: character, eccentric, type, case

    • Usage: a real character
    • Usage: a strange character
    • Usage: a friendly eccentric
    • Usage: the capable type
    • Usage: a mental case
  • eccentric (adj) = conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

    Synonyms: bizarre, eccentric, freakish, freaky, flaky, flakey, gonzo, off-the-wall, outlandish, outre

    • Usage: restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit
    • Usage: famed for his eccentric spelling
    • Usage: a freakish combination of styles
    • Usage: his off-the-wall antics
    • Usage: the outlandish clothes of teenagers
    • Usage: outre and affected stage antics
  • eccentric (adj) = not having a common center; not concentric

    Synonyms: eccentric, nonconcentric

    • Usage: eccentric circles
  • Other words to learn

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