Faint meaning in Hindi

Faint is a english word.

Faint Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • faint = निर्बल

    • Usage: Illness has made her faint and inactive.
  • faint = अस्पष्ट

    • Usage: I only have a faint idea of what she is doing at present.
  • faint = धीमा

    • Usage: I suddenly felt faint from the pain
  • faint = मूर्छा

    • Usage: She fell down from the staircase in a faint.
  • faint = मूर्छित होना

    • Usage: She fainted during assembly due to weakness.

Faint Meaning in Detail

  • faint (noun) = a spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain

    Synonyms: faint, swoon, syncope, deliquium

  • faint (verb) = pass out from weakness, physical or emotional distress due to a loss of blood supply to the brain

    Synonyms: faint, conk, swoon, pass_out

  • faint (adj) = deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity or brightness or loudness etc

    Synonyms: faint, weak

    • Usage: a faint outline
    • Usage: the wan sun cast faint shadows
    • Usage: the faint light of a distant candle
    • Usage: weak colors
    • Usage: a faint hissing sound
    • Usage: a faint aroma
    • Usage: a weak pulse
  • faint (adj) = lacking clarity or distinctness

    Synonyms: dim, faint, shadowy, vague, wispy

    • Usage: a dim figure in the distance
    • Usage: only a faint recollection
    • Usage: shadowy figures in the gloom
    • Usage: saw a vague outline of a building through the fog
    • Usage: a few wispy memories of childhood
  • faint (adj) = lacking strength or vigor

    Synonyms: faint, feeble

    • Usage: damning with faint praise
    • Usage: faint resistance
    • Usage: feeble efforts
    • Usage: a feeble voice
  • faint (adj) = weak and likely to lose consciousness

    Synonyms: faint, light, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded

    • Usage: suddenly felt faint from the pain
    • Usage: was sick and faint from hunger
    • Usage: felt light in the head
    • Usage: a swooning fit
    • Usage: light-headed with wine
    • Usage: light-headed from lack of sleep
  • faint (adj) = indistinctly understood or felt or perceived

    Synonyms: faint

    • Usage: a faint clue to the origin of the mystery
    • Usage: haven't the faintest idea
  • faint (adj) = lacking conviction or boldness or courage

    Synonyms: faint, fainthearted, timid, faint-hearted

    • Usage: faint heart ne'er won fair lady
  • Other words to learn

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