Fellowship meaning in Hindi

Fellowship is a english word.

Fellowship Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fellowship = साहर्चय

    • Usage: You should show fellowship towards collegues.
  • fellowship = सदस्यता

    • Usage: Getting a fellowship of a prestigious institution like Royal College of Surgeons is a great achievment.
  • fellowship = अनुदान

    • Usage: His financial worries were over after he received a fellowship from his college.

Fellowship Meaning in Detail

  • fellowship (noun) = an association of people who share common beliefs or activities

    Synonyms: family, fellowship

    • Usage: the message was addressed not just to employees but to every member of the company family
    • Usage: the church welcomed new members into its fellowship
  • fellowship (noun) = the state of being with someone

    Synonyms: company, companionship, fellowship, society

    • Usage: he missed their company
    • Usage: he enjoyed the society of his friends
  • fellowship (noun) = money granted (by a university or foundation or other agency) for advanced study or research

    Synonyms: fellowship

  • Other words to learn

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