Fighter meaning in Hindi

Fighter is a english word.

Fighter Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fighter = योद्धा

    • Usage: Napolean was a great fighter.
  • fighter = आसनी से हार न मानने वाला

    • Usage: He does not give up easily as he is a great fighter.
  • fighter = लड़ाकू हवाई जहाज

    • Usage: The Air Forces have recently bought a new fleet of fighter planes.

Fighter Meaning in Detail

  • fighter (noun) = someone who fights (or is fighting)

    Synonyms: combatant, battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper

  • fighter (noun) = a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air

    Synonyms: fighter, fighter_aircraft, attack_aircraft

  • fighter (noun) = someone who fights for a cause

    Synonyms: champion, fighter, hero, paladin

  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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