Fillet meaning in Hindi

Fillet is a english word.

Fillet Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fillet = माँस का टुकड़ा

    • Usage: Fillet steaks are made of best part of beef.

Fillet Meaning in Detail

  • fillet (noun) = a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef

    Synonyms: fillet, filet

  • fillet (noun) = a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish

    Synonyms: fillet, filet, fish_fillet, fish_filet

  • fillet (noun) = a bundle of sensory nerve fibers going to the thalamus

    Synonyms: lemniscus, fillet

  • fillet (noun) = a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a headband

    Synonyms: taenia, tenia, fillet

  • fillet (noun) = fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used to join steel members

    Synonyms: fillet, stopping

  • fillet (verb) = decorate with a lace of geometric designs

    Synonyms: fillet, filet

  • fillet (verb) = cut into filets

    Synonyms: fillet, filet

    • Usage: filet the fish
  • Other words to learn

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