Fingerprint meaning in Hindi

Fingerprint is a english word.

Fingerprint Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fingerprint = उंगली का निशान

    • Usage: The thief left very clear fingerprints on the glass.

Fingerprint Meaning in Detail

  • fingerprint (noun) = a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger; often used for biometric identification in criminal investigations

    Synonyms: fingerprint

  • fingerprint (noun) = a generic term for any identifying characteristic

    Synonyms: fingerprint

    • Usage: that tax bill had the senator's fingerprints all over it
  • fingerprint (noun) = a smudge made by a (dirty) finger

    Synonyms: fingermark, fingerprint

  • fingerprint (verb) = take an impression of a person's fingerprints

    Synonyms: fingerprint

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