Flicker meaning in Hindi

Flicker is a english word.

Flicker Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flicker = चमकना

    • Usage: His eyes flickered for a while before he died.
  • flicker = आना जाना

    • Usage: A nasty suspicion was flickering in his mind about the proposed trip to mountains arranged by his collegue.
    • Usage: In his last moments, images of his past deeds flickered through his brain.
  • flicker = आशा की किरण

    • Usage: There was a flicker of hope in him for the job that he had recently applied for.

Flicker Meaning in Detail

  • flicker (noun) = a momentary flash of light

    Synonyms: flicker, spark, glint

  • flicker (noun) = North American woodpecker

    Synonyms: flicker

  • flicker (noun) = the act of moving back and forth

    Synonyms: waver, flutter, flicker

  • flicker (verb) = move back and forth very rapidly

    Synonyms: flicker, waver, flitter, flutter, quiver

    • Usage: the candle flickered
  • flicker (verb) = shine unsteadily

    Synonyms: flicker, flick

    • Usage: The candle flickered
  • flicker (verb) = flash intermittently

    Synonyms: flicker, flick

    • Usage: The lights flicked on and off
  • Other words to learn

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