Flit meaning in Hindi

Flit is a english word.

Flit Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flit = इधर उधर उड़ना

    • Usage: He keeps on flitting from one job to another.
  • flit = भाग जाना

    • Usage: He did a flit to avoid his creditors.

Flit Meaning in Detail

  • flit (noun) = a sudden quick movement

    Synonyms: flit, dart

  • flit (noun) = a secret move (to avoid paying debts)

    Synonyms: flit

    • Usage: they did a moonlight flit
  • flit (verb) = move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart

    Synonyms: flit, flutter, fleet, dart

    • Usage: The hummingbird flitted among the branches
  • Other words to learn

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