Fourfold meaning in Hindi

Fourfold is a english word.

Fourfold Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fourfold = चौगुना

    • Usage: Her troubles were fourfold after her divorce.

Fourfold Meaning in Detail

  • fourfold (adj) = four times as great or many

    Synonyms: quadruple, fourfold, four-fold

    • Usage: a fourfold increase in the dosage
  • fourfold (adj) = having four units or components

    Synonyms: quadruple, quadruplicate, quadruplex, fourfold, four-fold

    • Usage: quadruple rhythm has four beats per measure
    • Usage: quadruplex wire
  • fourfold (adv) = by a factor of four

    Synonyms: fourfold, four_times

    • Usage: the price of gasoline has increased fourfold over the past two years
  • Other words to learn

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